(This is Gibberbook One)
Front matters not
The man who never blinks
Until thoroughly decomposed
Let us go then, I and me
Banished forever
Dim semiotic desires
Millimillillimilimeter and Earwicker
Very close to harmony
It was all he had left
Back at the base
Boredom in limbo
Where's my moo-cow?
A sinister gentleman's raincoat
Soupy twist
Dear dear
Sage sinography
I want some plot
Breaking free
Wooffle ooffle!
The Antiplautus and the pluperfect conditional
Election Mania
Page 14
To the starship Milwaukee
Not very good stars
Upside, downside
Pieces of marmalade
Hic haec hoc
Seive sense
The Sisterhood of Omelette
Foresty forest
Evolved from the rain
What did it all mean?
No absolutes! No idea!
An environmentalist's nightmare
Chapter None
The moment of truth
Pitch invasion
Naranja? Arancia?
Plubnic burp
Young Nat Penderby
Apparatus umbrellicus
Sic transit arcana mundi
In my end is my beginning
Everybody weird
A really good space filler
Orighkinal siggn
Language, Timotei!
Grammatological pap
Relative madmen
Vedic doodles
Into the sunset
All in the mind
The absence of his subjectivity
Dialogue of cowpats
Makes you go kerfazzle
Policies for the future of the text
The island of seven pages
Chinston Wormhill
Ray Vin Ma'd
8 out of 10 Wombles
Still completely
Herring and Crisp
Dire critics and nested brackets
Quince (Peter)
Drang nach Osten
Elk, eek
Up we shall journey
Four pages later
A flyte of limericks
Mauve with boredom
No goat on the moon
The Limerick Squad
Covered in cow
Quite enough determinacy
Detective commissioner Walrus
Book virus
The ice-cap reigns
Made glorious somewhere TEXT
The sentence-pede
Fore legs good
I love existential quantifiers
Well-past-its-sell-by-date logic
Il n'y a pas d'hors-texte
Generous irony
Limericks — never again
Chopped up
Almost Bowie
It's a sign
Limerick desserts
Is it a question?
Staggeringly mad and obtuse
Beezo whether
Arcana, Freudiana, and Zxy
Ten-month-old sick
Star Trext
Trip tick
Trip sick
Krud gibber twaddle tosh
The absence of sane
Gibbons, pigs and lions
He thought he saw
Morning activities
Afternoon activities
Evening activities
Word association football
Bless thy five wits
Diachronicity, and variants
The process of history
The progress of himmel-rot
Biblical flow
Monthly moo
Fish diagram
Carlsberg Black Label
Omelette-faced fractals
The pluggandisp of pluggandisp
Form, self-referring, is content
Dustbin sonnet
Arthur in his bin
Sum pipple
No God was reified
Obscurantism is normality
Outdated metaphysic
No innuendo
Full circle
Yes, you
Heap big breakfast
Sink stink
Rudeish bit
Rubbish bit
Kayak intestine
Discarded dogmas
Twixt one logic and the next
Edna's approach
Return of the Pope
Raving other
Limericks at dawn
The fishmonger joke
Swiss roll
Gravity play
Alpha es et O
O Meaningless
Greek garlic
O meta-stuff
Go, Volvo, go!
A godalmighty belch
Gyres run on
Jack and Jill
His flashing hair!
Tom Lehrer scansion
Pericles' Funeral Oration
Oh frabjous play!
More pickaxes
Popular Philosophy
Haddock official
What did you think?
Inconsequential indigestion
The final frontier
Wellington, to boot
Stereophonic nothing
New Cluedo
All writing is suicidal
Epitaphs and gribbles
Death of the Authors
The final clock
Are you mad?
Are you madder?
Are you maddest?
Are you Liz?
Art thou Liz?
Liz who?
Are you Geoffrey?
Is you Geoffrey?
Bonus question
Are you Simon?
Are you barking?
Are you ergo?
Double-page spread
Have you read the book?
Thnky fr rdng
Diaphragms of realitude
By hook or by crook