Yesterday's Regurge
Silicon Porridge with Medicine
Fruit Juice and Forehead in Luke-Warm Washing-Up Water
Chip Pan Smashed on your Elbow
Filthy Tractor Tyres in Mince
Dish of the Day (14 August 1932, when the Chef made it)
Stained Utensils dipped in pig's entrails for no reason
Antlers with Armpits
Fire Extinguisher Fluid and Tipp-Ex Full of Horse Dung and Rubbish
Strangely Unpleasant Cocktail of Rabbit's Fur and Video Tape
Googly Wumple combed slightly into a Horrible Fricassée of Yak Grit
Toothpaste and Gravel Painted into your Eyes by our delightful herring-do Grumbo the Moist
Greek Sick:
Moussaka with protruding limbs soaked too long in retsina and ketchup
Taramosalata with an interesting smell of fish-bones and garotting
Ouzo with stuffed gibbon and something
Goatburger made entirely out of recycled coat-hangers, coated in a disturbingly crunchy spread of sprouts and spider-mulch
Liquidised Carrots and Shaving Cream
Cherry Waste, drooled over by a brainless quadruped
Unwashed Bed Full of Astonishing Numbers of Eels and other Surprises
Pie with Bucket
Knees on Toast, plus Cabbage and Saliva
Sickly Gratings of Rhinoceros Tusk in Water
And Finally:
Flambéed Chef in an Onion Batter