
Epigrammatic Ode to John Major

There was a man who was grey
Bur he didn't go away.
(Oh dear)

On Ignorance
I don't know who the Home Secretary is
And the worst bit is – I don't mind
It puts responsible people in a tizz,
But knowing about politics is a bind.
Because, you see, it's all rhetoric
And other rhetorics are more interesting
Geoffrey suspects I am rather thick
But he doesn't know who wrote "Little Gidding".


        Plate glass snail.
                Prehensible tail.
                        Runcible fig.

A radiation map

APPENDIX B: Geoffrey's World (It will be...)

{In the centre of the page are two islands (BIG ISLAND and LITTLE ISLAND), together labelled "NEW ZEALAND (Esperanto secret H.Q.)". From there "VIBES, LOGIC, etc" radiate outwards in the form of concentric circles, not quite reaching "Moon – where Simon is" in the corner.}

Because the H.Q. is secret, I won't show where New Zealand is.

A global map

MAP 2: the world

"Who is the home secretary?"

Kenneth Yakke

{small circle labelled "the rest"}

{British-Isles-shaped blob containing: at the top, "Scotland & Wales & sheep & Falklands & Whales; in the middle, "OXFORD (centre of world, life, universe)"; in the southeast, "LONDON – Cedric lives there"; and in the southwest peninsula, "DORSET (& GRAN (help!))"}

{Just to the west of Dorset is a tiny oval labelled "America"}

{Large irregular shape labelled "EUROPE incl. France & Paris – place where Helen lives & JACQUES (my hero)" with an arrow pointing to a stick figure next to a heart shot through with an arrow}

{A huge promontory off the middle of the south coast of Europe is labelled "ITALY nasty country but nice pictures"}

{Hiding in the bottom right-hand corner of the page is a small curve marked "Australia"}

A local map

APPENDIX: The world according to "Liz" a.k.a. she who must not be contradicted

MAP 1: local

{house} 39 William st – "where I live" (or is it 37 – anyway – one of the houses)

BIG ROAD (watch out for stationary vehicles)

PARKS – lots of green

{building} College "where I eat – sometimes"

{building with BLACKWELLS sign} Bookshop – where they give me lots of books and bits of paper with figures on

Still completely other