Haddock official

A grouse once whose surname sumame? was haddock
Quite terrified by Fanny Craddock
Filled his shoes with cement and
Said "That's not what I meant", and
"There's kangaroos in the top paddock!"

There once was a chap who about
The referential admitted no doubt
His naive faith in history
Was rather a mystery
too large a tail? tale?
Preposterous and inside-out!

A girl with the name Beaumont Bissell
Found an oil-covered eye made her whistle,
So in terrible fear,
She replaced that old see(e)r
With a haddock, which made it official.

To "explain":

         OIL or O{eye}L
O"FISH"L or O{fish}L


All signifiers are born free — yet everywhere they are in chains. drains?

Word word word word word. You have nothing to lose but your brains. drains?

An adventurous chap filled his cranium
With haddock, light ale and uranium
When asked for a reason
He said, "Grouse aren't in season,
And I don't know what became of my brainium.

Brain-I-um. The brain is able to posit a specific/general subjectivity ("I") through forgetting ("um") the production of that subjectivity, which is in the context of the object ("U") and its contemplatin ("m[mm..]"). The "overall" context is poetico-rhetorical. You asked.

Popular Philosophy

{magazine cover, with a picture of a face wearing spectacles, and labelled "a popular philosopher"}

(if that isn't a contradiction in terms)
(bi-monthly or randomly, whichever happens first)


"Why I like infinite regresses"
"Vicious circles and how to avoid them"
"Nazism — what is it?" P de M
Top 10 conundrums
How to make your own ethical system to cut out and keep


The answer to the universe
Why trains are always late
Where is Lord Lucan
Who is the 5 o'clock hero
Deconstruction made easy

buy this issue & get a free signifier! //

But... the inside is the outside!

More pickaxes

Why can't we have more pickaxes?
And so you shall.

There once was a feminist writer
Who was also a pugnacious fighter
She wielded an ice axe
While having sex [?sax]
But she'd have been better off with a mitre.

Still completely other