Four pages later
blew up.
Did it? An apostrophe to the epistolary form — and why not? Will power — that three.
At just that three (nearly seven, now) a flying milkjug (they don't all use saucers — some of them have mugs) landed and some biggish green inhabitants emerged. "Remember us?" they said, in proto-Indo-European, "we're back. It took a few millenia but — we learned your language. Just to show we're not into cultural imperialism. We merely intend to exterminate you — have a nice day."
"Not bad, but you haven't quite grasped the idiom," said Professor Igloo. "Unfortunately we speak American now. So had better jolly well beetle off and learn it!"
That was an interjection on behalf of the plot. Now — back in the metatext... wordz-a-poppin. (ah yeah!)
"Anyone who can't spell 'millennia'." (Mr Mad)