Estos vidanta vin!

"Superintelligent shades of the colour black."

"The A-Z of the 16th Dimension on Friday. Thank You"

"I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed."

= "Je crois de mon devoir de vous informer que je me sens extrêmement déprimé."

= "Mi devus informi vin, ke mi sentas deprimegon."

= "My deviant informative wine, that I don't dance in the spring" *

"Dance is a good translation of almost anything" (Danco estas bona traduko de preskaŭ ĉio.)

* = "Mia devojiĝinta informema vino, ke mi ne dancas printempe."

"Estos vidanta vin!"

Green pie

{Pie chart labelled (up the side) "Green Pie"}

3%   "1001 Ways to Trope a Goat"

3%   String and Wishful Thinking

4%   Metaphysics

9%   Chocolate

11%   Rapidity

12%   Cheese

22%   Beer

32%   Llama-brain

90%   Other

A fourth load of old books

"These Things Didn't Happen So I Won't Tell You About Them"

"I am Dead" by A. N. Author
"Am I" by A. N. Other
  – counts as one choice 50p

"The Colour Blue and How to Experience It"

"A practical Guide to Vomiting"

"The Subjective Idealist's Handbook of Lampposts and Other Lampposts"

"Stupidity and How to Acquire It"


"Counting Mice"

A third load of old books

"Taramosalata For Beginners."

"Beginners For Taramosalata."

"Why Moussaka Is So Hideously Unpleasant."

"Aristotle As Rewritten By Derrida."

"Derrida As She Is Spoke."

"John The Scissors Ate My Hamster."

"Ian Hislop Ate My Headline."

"The Real Reason Why Betamax VCRs Became Extinct."

"I've Got To Stop Eating This Radio Times."

"Proto-Indo-European Phrase Book."

"Gratuitous Marmalade."

"Free Squashed Rodent Inside."

"Gyles Brandreth Was My Hamster."

Another load of old books

"The Guinness Book of Omelettes."

"Badly Dubbed Filmtracks of the 30's."

"How to Cross Your Fingers Strangely."

"My Favourite Book of Sneeze Mess."

"Paul de Man's Usual Stuff™."

"Channel Four News – The Movie."

"Do It Yourself Paperweights for Yaks."

"Learn to Eat Pus For A Healthier Life."

"Terry Wogan – The Interesting Week."

"The Day I Ate A Kitchen Utensil Bag."

"You've Read This Already."

"What Is The Name of This Book?"

"Wie Heißt Dieses Buch?"

A load of old books

... some more books for your Christmas list:

– Aardvarks, tapirs, anteaters: which do you prefer? Facts and figures – the debate continues

– The Guinness book of great natural disasters (with lots of grisly pictures)

– Posture: an annotated guide

– Centralised communism: the only way forward (as seen in USSR and Eastern Europe)

– Bogrolls: an illustrated history

– Scatter cushions: their influence in the history of the West

– Chidcock A-Z street map

Guide to Paul de Man

The "Book" Guide to 10 things you never knew about Paul de Man (and never dared to ask – or you weren't interested)

(1) He was a German

(2) He wrote at least one article in favour of Nazism

(3) He was an attempted bigamist

(4) He went to live in the USA

(5) He was a deconstructionist

(6) Liz reads lots of his books

(7) He was the lead singer of Status Quo

(8) His favourite food was cornflakes

(9) He wrote lots of Words

(10) Um... He's dead.

Still completely other