A global map
MAP 2: the world
"Who is the home secretary?"
Kenneth Yakke
{small circle labelled "the rest"}
{British-Isles-shaped blob containing: at the top, "Scotland & Wales & sheep & Falklands & Whales; in the middle, "OXFORD (centre of world, life, universe)"; in the southeast, "LONDON – Cedric lives there"; and in the southwest peninsula, "DORSET (& GRAN (help!))"}
{Just to the west of Dorset is a tiny oval labelled "America"}
{Large irregular shape labelled "EUROPE incl. France & Paris – place where Helen lives & JACQUES (my hero)" with an arrow pointing to a stick figure next to a heart shot through with an arrow}
{A huge promontory off the middle of the south coast of Europe is labelled "ITALY nasty country but nice pictures"}
{Hiding in the bottom right-hand corner of the page is a small curve marked "Australia"}