Orighkinal siggn
"Who's Ed?" asked the
In one column, different text, always
however, things already. "But I think "The green
were beginning we've got Hannibal!" is either."
to happen. The "Is it catching?" asked "The author
text had got Han- the Plot. "So is the is dead."
nibal, but Mañuel nature of the sign," it Barthes
was preserved by responded, "I can sing "The author
incomprehension a rainbow three." It is wet."
— and pickling. had survived because Bath
"¿Que?" he asked. the clipf was only "I do love
"¡Que!" said a connotative. Bath."
caveman, pointing. "Ugug," he continued, pointing
to himself. So the sign fell. "Clank!" it went, on
Mañuel's head. "Orighkinal Siggn," he read. "This
way up." "I know that!" said the caveman, "I wrote
it!" "So writing really did come first!" Mañuel
clucked. "That's why chickens all say 'book, book'."
This format has been discontinued
for reasons of tedium and indifference.
The hills are alive! Heil! Good
Wyrd biþ ful araede custard