Wellington, to boot
One man's burp is the same man's burp.
"You have met your Wellington, this time, Mr Newt!" said Arthur. (Who?)
"And you have met your Napoleon, to boot" said Sir Isaac (what?).
No — not Watts, who?
Either Arthur or Wellington or what's-his-name.
But I just said it wasn't.
So? You could be lying.
That doesn't count!
Oh really, and up to how much?
I don't know, and let's not bring how into it!
Sir Geoffrey?
No, Sir Isaac.
But there isn't anyone called Sir Isaac Howe.
How do you know?
But I don't! If I knew someone called Sir Isaac Howe, they would exist.
[Triumphant] Ideal-ist! Ideal-ist!! You've lost, and, what's more [than whom? (Ed.)] — you don't exist!
Who says?
What's the difference?
Neither of them are both the same.