Quite enough determinacy

        Two more tangerines, however, and walnut?
        Never in the field of human Slough
        "Swarm over, death!" Euphonium, slipper.
        Can a nipper eat a kipper
        Standing in two pails
        If I did that the chair would lend me
        Straight upstairs to Wales.

            Not at all. Predilection for squid

(squidself waxing doriangreyer in its dud hud) FW, HCE

OK — after you. And so on.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
ARCTURA (α Boo) [FEM], not Arthura.
        Quod Erat Detrimendum

What about the Quarswells?

"Common as the pronoun 'I'." "I, I, and I. I. A. E. I. O. U."
        Quite Enough Determinacy
            Thank you.

"And arise, you numberless infinities of souls
All whom the flood has and fire shall overthrow!" — in Donne, done in, by text text bye bye... "Though some have called thee mighty and dreadful!"

Finnegan beginnegan.

Still completely other