Herring and Crisp
"Stop making sense" isn't a very good film. Or is it? "Great, smashing, super." "Where's the plot? The romance? The agony? The thrills? The spills?" "They're over there in the corner," Arthur responded laconically. Mordred cast Arthur a baleful look. "Well caught." "But now take this," proffering him a piece of smoked trout. "There's not enough fish in this," the spokesmen for Fish In Social Hexagons or Yeovil (FISHY) shouted. "Or are there," Eric the herring replied.
Έρικ δα χαφ α χέρριγγ. (Ar, NE 218b-c)
Professor Crisp smiled in disgust, yawned, sneezed, yawned again, gained a yawn, smelt like an old goat for half an hour and then
(continued in 4 pages time)