Alpha es et O
{Forming the shape of the letter α, from bottom right round the loop to top right:}
Once upon a time there was the end. And then it all just began again, like the muesli dance of the fireflies (Opus 92). Emily had a cat, and his name was Bagpuize. Bagpuize, Bagpuize, soggy old Bag- -puize, crappy and a bit naff at
{Forming the shape of the letter ω, from top left to top right:}
the arm pits. But Emily loved him, hugged him, and devoured him for breakfast in a way that can never become legal. Once (or was it twice?) below a space there was a little structure called Phree Vurst, and Emily loved it. THE BEGENDING.
"Alpha es et Ō,
Alpha es et Ō!"
{Forming a question mark, with "a" as its dot:}
Symbol of all I wish I knew, polka dot under a
{Forming brackets around the question mark:}