Foresty forest
The Moob was flabbergasted. "I'd never have believed it (and the 'it')," it yippee'd.
Arthur stood up, surveyed the débris and fell over.
"It's horribly cold," said Theodora.
"It's horribly mould," said Mildew, a new caractacus.
"Hello," said a forty-eight-and-a-half-and-a-third- and-a-n-other-little-bit-foot lizard, whose back was a hideous crumpled crackly cringeworthy mass of scraggy craggy scales. "Can we have some descriptiong, please?"
The forest was, well, foresty — large, dark and smelly, especially after rain, especially when the rain was made of household waste, as it usually was on the planet Erf. All around, snails cracked underfoot; all asquare, cobwebs dangled spangly in the mist; all aparallelopiped, drippy droopy droobles dribbled drabbly out of Evil Edna's nose.