
    A per se A, B per se B, C per se C, ...
    & per se ampersand
    strange exdentations (toothy)
    rubbly rubbishy rhubrab (niggle).

    "But it makes no sense," lied Hannibal, reading the semaphore sign.

    "Let me have a go," lied Noddy, who popped out of a telescope water-barrel, green with frenzy, pink with envy. Standing beside him was an incongruous bowl of grated Arcturan Megarhino.

    Creation myths flourished, floundered and flibbertigibbered until there was little left to tell. The whole palimpsestic galaxy went absolutely ludicrous, leaving all the characters swimming in a swirly mass of astrogen.

    "Welcome to MY domain," lied the Master.

    He went outside and trod on a land-mine.

Still completely other