In my end is my beginning


"IN MY END" T.S. Eliot said "Is my beginning"

"Six eggs, half a kilo of elephants and a tin of text."

"The book has let itself be thought as such." p.300

"Meta-ta-ta-tatatatextual" screamed Such, "rapping" as I believe it is called. "Let there be light...

    and light was over all. Why am I thus bereaved thy prime decree? O dark dark d-d-d-dark-ark-ark!"

And Milton appeared, epic for revenge. At this point Nietzsche remarked that, according to subsequent intertextuality (The Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy), should the abovementioned puritanical and myopic poet succeed in "Justifying the ways of God to men", in all probability the Deity would disappear. This, furthermore, was irrelevant. "Because I killed him!" said Nietzsche.

    "This (therefore) will not have been a book)" p.1

"So what will it have been, when it is?" asked Arthur.

"Before the beginning and after the end," contributed Eliot.

"So what?" inquired Arthur, or "To be conscious
"so when?" at any rate. "I'm is not to be in
late" said the at this point in time..." ECP p.***
White Rabbit, plot the charact-
"and I think ers, insofar etc, "A tale told by an
some descrip- were situated in idiot" Macbeth
tion might be a large white Act * Scene * ll *
appropriate." negative space,
"What, is he traversed by blue "Spoken as a
dead, then?" lines called for grapheme, written
asked Sir some reason as a phoneme, in a
Laurence "feint", although word, gramophoned!"
Olivier and they were UG p.47
Gerard Manley perfectly
(ish) Hopkins, perceptible, "Some critical
in unison. "No, but you are!" reactions to this
said Arthur and Nietzsche. book." Anon.


Still completely other