I love existential quantifiers
"Mind the broken Glas! Mind the broken Glas — or is it groken blah!"
"You've never had it so good, yet the nays have it — {therefore} the nays have never had it so good."
There was once a most ridiculous sect
Who constantly idolized the text
It was their consistent perpetual joy
To link everything with Freud
So that at the heart of each matter lay sex.
There was a young man who thought noesis
Bore no relation to poesis
And as for the word
He thought it absurd
He may be in need of analysis.
{Universal quantifier} x (x reads Glas --> ¬ TRYING TO SHOW OFF KNOWLEDGE OF LOGIC SYMBOLS; BUT "NOY" SYMBOLISED BY ~ x is sane)
{Existential quantifier} y {(y is at Exeter College ^ y reads Glas) --> y's mental health suffers}
I {heart} Existential Quantifiers