Full circle

There once was a pony called Freddy
Whose balance was not very steady,
He fell into a tank
Of battery acid (dank!)
And thus became called Ever Ready.

That's not an A! (Unless defined as such. And such isn't an A either. Sutch is mad, though I suppose the three are not mutually exclusive, especially insofar as they contain traces of their opposites. Of course they don't contain Z's either, which may or may not prove that they are not A.)

A, ab, abacus, succubus, omnibus, omniverous, herbivorous, herbicide, homicide, homology, analogy, analect, abstract, abacus, ab, A.

"The wheel has come full circle, I am here" — Shakespeare

"Here, or there, or elsewhere. In my beginning" — T.S. Eliot

"In the beginning was the Word" — St John the Evangelist

Still completely other