To the starship Milwaukee

"I'm page 13," said Page 15, who had a lot of hang-ups. Also, everyone was sitting on him, both literally and metaphorically, which was confusing. "You are the metaphoricity of your own metaphor," explained Antiplautus, drawing suspicion on himself. "How did you know that?" asked Arthur. "I didn't" — so triumphantly Antiplautus — "How did you know?"

    Hannibal moved on the face of the waters. Which was probably because he was in a canoe. "Vote for me!" he said. The metaphors voted with their feet. They elected the moo-cow. "Grass for all!" the cow said, floating. Its objective correlative didn't because it wasn't on Page 13.

It was time for the narrator to interpose himself (or herself) into the dialogue. There was too much of it (and the dialogue). It had to be stopped. Hannibal realised that a machine-gun was not enough. He dived out of the room (which was octagonal as well as pink), clutching Mr T as he went. Theodora and Arthur exited swiftly through the trapdoor. Then the grenades flew, as well as the Howitzers. Thus was the room destroyed.

The four remaining characters found themselves aboard the starship Milwaukee. Arthur commanded that the ship head for the planet Cheesecake; Mr T pointed out, however, that the engines couldn't take any more — or the ship would, apparently, blow.

A new plotline had been opened up, and the crew members looked forward to exploring new civilizations and destroying them — all without a single piece of dialogue.

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