Almost Bowie
Ten thousand thundering typhoons, + VAT (Vegetarians Against Tractors).
1/ It's a godawful small affair
To the girl with mousy hair
But her mummy is yelling "No"
And her daddy has told her to go
But her friend is nowhere to be seen
Now she walks through her sunken dream
To the seat with the clearest view
And she's hooked to the silver screen
But the film is a [sounding board]1
For she's lived it 10 times or more
She could spit in the eyes of fools
As they ask her to [call the song]
[Sea dwarves] fighting in the dance hall
Old man — look at those cavemen go
It's the creepiest show
Take a look at the old man beating on the wrong guy
Old man, wondering if he'll ever know
He's in the best selling show
Is there life on Mars?
2/ It's on the merry ... [orchard] brow
Mickey Mouse has grown up a cow
Now the workers have struck a vein
Lenin's on sale again
See the mice in their million hoards
from Ibiza to the Norfolk broads
(1 ? bore — ed.)
Rule Britannia is out of bounds
To my mother, my dog and clowns
But the film is ...
(That's enough David Bowie.)