Before the textual revolution

The guide started, having already continued

Text! <-- Ludic symbol!

Surely "having always already continued".

Samuel the osprey, having thus transmogrified in the nonce (or was it a changing room) glared around menacingly. "Here is the mouse" said the announcer, in Dutch. Sam was disappointed with the surrealisation of the text.

"What did you do in the days before the textual revolution?" asked young Zeev. "I was a top Marxist critic" he replied bitterly. "But now the mill's closed, I'm out of work, redundant. Not thanks to Thazza and her minions, but to those goons of the hermeneutic mafia. They ran(g) me out of town."

Old father Patrick scowled unhappily. "Aye, it isn't the same nowadays – there's deconstruction winters, Bernie Winters (and Schnorbitz), Game for a Laugh (and laugh for a game – thanks you, Bruce). And that's not all."

"It never is, any more" sympathised Samuel, starting to become a dog, "I just don't seem to have any continuity any more."

Still completely other