Tarragon, tarragon, tarragon

"Tarragon," said Theodora.
"No, Tennyson!" said Tennyson.

The courgette falls on oval walls
And orange pelmets far and few
The video bakes more than five cakes
And pickles them in glue.

"Tarragon," said Tennyson. "Tarragon, tarragon, tarragon.

    Catharine of Arragon,
    Tarra! Gone?"

"What, is she dead, then?" said Jolly Manleyish, luvvie. "What, Gone-y, Gone?"

"This is silly!" said Silly, but I'm not so sure. How does he know? And what does that mean? Does he (is she?) have an identity in any sense?

That's all, Critics!!


Still completely other