
It's page 2, and still the word text hasn't been mentioned – so, allow me!

T  E  X  T    What are they?
O L E R Or who are they
T I N O <ils>?
A M O G Gosh, these extra
L I M L columns are a
N O O pain (printer).
A R D No, they're really
T P Y rather good - you
I H T can charge twice
O I E as much for the
N C S book (publishing
(of) magnate).

{Magazine cover, with a large cross}


* Saracens - 10 ways to spot them
* The finer points of doctrine - explained by His Holiness Martin Luther
* Tips on what to wear in the Holy Land
* A site by site guide to the best booty, infidels, etc
* Win a trip to heaven - tear off the coupon inside for an extra free indulgence

Still completely other