This is Radio 6
NARRATOR (backwards): Gogrilla Mincefriend, a strange being from the Pyrotechnic of Manhatter, is now thought by certain leading experts in psycho-chromatography to be the world's least yellow and most disturbingly disarming instantly reversible black paisley sofa bed.
FX: Narrator demolished by bulldozer.
GRAMS: Sig. Roobarb & Custard (backwards).
ANNOUNCER: This is Radio 6. This is Radio 5. This is Radio 4. This is Radio 3. This is Radio 2. This is Radio 1. This is Radio...
FX: Announcer drowned out in smoke and flames; he blasts off to the moon.
NARRATOR: Bit stuck on after signature tune, using echo (FX), flange (FX) and reverb (FX), including a delightful potato trifle made, eaten and sent in by Mrs Q. J. Kerrison of Nos Irrek J.Q., Sunnyville, California. She can be contacted at this number:
CART: (jingly) 010-349-8625-765892
FX: Cat stapled to roof.