Doing the doo
GRAMS: Sig. (3rd time)
NARRATOR: And now, before the credit sequence, let us continue the plot, which (you will recall, dear listener) involved Arthur, Theodora and the Pope (stapled to the ceiling).
FX: Pope stapled to ceiling (if not available, use Pope stapled to cat).
ARTHUR: So, Popey, back the death penalty, would you?
THEODORA: Try and have 2 P's in your name, would you?
ARTHUR: He thought he saw an argument—
LEWIS CARROLL: Ah, that gives me an idea!
POPE: And from all of us here in this celebrity tank of custard-gunge, in nomine Christi, Amen and Good knight!
FX: Radio explodes; people screaming in their beds as they are devoured by flames in the final holocaust.
FX: An entire eternity of nothing, followed by silence and the latenight weather forecast.
GRAMS: Betty Boo, Doing the Doo.
ANNOUNCER (too much reverb): Good knife!
GRAMS: Sig. (792nd time)