
Let's play – Embarrass the Foreign Secretary!

Mr/Miss/Sofa Foreign Secretary (who? ho?) Yes!, [yes]

Do you remember this picture? {The Mona Lisa} (If seven please pass.)

And does it depict?
a) Yourself in the bath with René Magritte
b) James Mason in a skirt
c) No.

How about this one? {The silhouette of a rhinoceros, crossed out}

a) The rhino under erasure
b) The signo under erasure
c) Yourself aged three
d) Two fish

{Hypnotic spirals}

a) A
b) Aa
c) Aaa
d) Aaargh!
e) Mr & Mrs J. Z. Wiggo of Skelmersdale, Often.

{Message box: "Press Break"}
{Message box, now cracked}

{An elephant with a question mark on its side}
Something else.

{gibberings of a mad babmmmzn1}


1 Buffoon?

Still completely other