The addlepated alphabet
A is addlepated
B is bananas
C is crazy
D is deranged
E is eccentric
F is a fruitbat
G is a gladiolus (think of Prince Charles)
H is half-brainsick
I is (simply) insane [I am? Ed.]
J is jellybrained
K is "kooky" (?)
L is a lunatic
M is even madder
N is not normal, nohow
O is out of his barking tree other
P is pathologically peculiar
Q is quite quaint
R is really raving
S is slightly sociopathic
T is teflon-coated, Tunbridge Wells totally tree
U is one umbrella short of unbalanced
V is virtually vegetation
W is as wacky as Wogan's wig wildebeest
X is xtra – er – x
Y is yodelling yeee
Z is zebra zebra zingy