A Leonard Cohen song

    One who for her own instruction
    Wrote limericks on deconstruction
    Was heard to retort
    "I'm a boring old sort –
    But it's a great deal more fun than induction."

    In ever-perverser delight
    To deconstruct limericks all night
    She would further impart
    "I'm a tedious fart
    Fortunate really I'm right..."

These limericks were brought to you by the word "anhydrous" and the number "synonymity" because neither has an "X" in them, except for neither. There, told you it was unstable. The ludicrousness has put on ludo, and the playing writes are over. No more Professor Wicket-Keeper, our vespas now are sunk. Whooo hit the elephant with the tram-ride – named despair?

This could be a Leonard Cohen song. Or a party in a disused brain. Raving craving for gravy... swing low, sweet gravy-boat, running for to catch the tram. Careless words – crossed lines. Hairless birds – bald
                Unless they've got

Still completely other