Heavy elk crossing

Heavy Aunt Crossing

{A small label bearing a picture of a telephone and the words "FREE TWO-TONEPHONE" has been stuck into the book. Next to it, up the side of the page:} Two towel greeeeen! greeeeen! greeeeen! Sorry, long word. Paeleontology.

Or letters to that tedium.

{A line graph of "LIZ: SANITY FACTOR" against "ERM factor (ELKS, RODENTS & MOOSES)". The line rises rapidly from the origin, forms a triangular peak, then shapes itself into a cat with a smiley face. The cat's bushy tail resembles a question mark.}

"The reduction of deconstruction remains the fundamental plank to clear the decks of an excess of erroneous ideas."

"Heavy Elk crossing"

"Cross Elk heaving"

"Heavy Cross Elking"

Still completely other